The Mitra project was presented at the Russia-Africa Forum

28 July 2023
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The Mitra project was presented as part of the pitch session of Russia-Africa projects and initiatives at the Russia-Africa Economic and Humanitarian Forum, held at the Expoforum site in St. Petersburg. The session was organized by ANO "Agency for Strategic Initiatives".

The main theses of the report:

  • Failure to enter data into the electronic medical record violates the continuity of treatment.
  • Manual data entry is a waste of the doctor's time and an increased likelihood of errors in medical records.
  • Medical equipment is involved at all stages of medical care.
  • Mitra can be either a part of the Partner System or be an independent service.
  • Data exchange is carried out according to the international format HL7.
  • Universal vendor-independent products created without the use of proprietary software are the way to digital sovereignty.
  • The product has a very wide applicability when conducting research at the place of treatment / location of the patient, that is, outside the walls of a medical organization without the participation of a clinical laboratory.
  • By means of Middleware, it is possible to organize data exchange during mass testing of the population in remote areas - the results can go directly into the electronic medical history immediately after the study.
  • Such an approach will be extremely effective both at the stages of detecting outbreaks of diseases, analyzing the spread of infections, and monitoring at all stages of patient treatment.
  • The results of measurements and studies carried out in an ambulance during patient transportation are often not entered into the MIS and do not affect further treatment.
  • The medical organization has the opportunity to prepare for the reception of a difficult patient in advance.
  • In the countries of the African continent, mono-vendor Middleware-services of American and European manufacturers of laboratory equipment are mainly used.
  • We see a huge potential for using vendor-neutral universal Middleware-services in the African market, such as Mitra.